リン酸ジブチル (DBP) is an organic compound . It is a clear,
colorless liquid that is soluble in organic solvents like ethanol
and ether.
1. Solvent: Dibutyl phosphate is used as a solvent in different applications,
including extraction processes, industrial cleaning, and as a reaction
medium in various chemical reactions.
2. 可塑剤: Dibutyl phosphate acts as a plasticizer, which means it
is added to plastics and resins to improve their flexibility, 耐久性,
and processing characteristics. It helps to enhance the flow and
workability of the materials during manufacturing processes.
3. 難燃剤: Dibutyl phosphate is used as a flame retardant additive
in plastics, コーティング, and textiles. It helps to reduce the flammability
and improve the fire resistance properties of these materials.
4. Extraction Agent: Dibutyl phosphate is used as an extraction agent in
various processes, such as the separation and purification of metals, particularly
ウラン. It effectively extracts uranium from ores and solutions during
the uranium mining and nuclear fuel production industries.
パッケージ: Once the DBP has been produced and refined, にパッケージ化されています
適切な容器, such as Plastic Barrels or IBC drum.
ストレージ: If stored correctly and kept in the original sealed container, the product
has a shelf life of at least 24 月. Stainless steel and glass equipment
components as well as plastics such as polyethylene and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
have proven suitable. Materials suitable for sealing are polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
and graphite. Ordinary steel is unsuitable because it reacts with dibutyl phosphate,
resulting in the formation of hydrogen.
1. 受入検査: 主な原材料, 内容が検査される, 見た目と
2. 給餌検査: 原料供給の原則は先入れ先出しです。, そして外観
3. 生産工程におけるバッチサンプリング: 生産工程中, の主要なインデックス
製品の各バッチ: 含有量と酸価は異なる期間で3回検査されます.
4. 保管検査: 各バッチ (10 トン) 保管前に検査されます.
5. 出荷検査: 顧客の要求量に応じて, 製品は
6. 出荷前検査: 顧客の要求に応じて, 第三者による検査が可能
外見: 外観検査
純度分析: ガスクロマトグラフィー (GC)
酸価: 電位差滴定
含水量: 水分計
屈折率: 屈折計
密度: 密度計
というコンセプトを追求している会社です。 “継続的な革新, 一流の追求”, 国内外の顧客に高品質の製品と満足のいくサービスを提供したいと考えています.