Dehra | Likwidu bla kulur sa kemmxejn isfar ċar |
Formula | C8H19PO4 |
CAS Nru. | 107-66-4 |
KE Nru. | 203-509-8 |
KODIĊI HS | 2919900090 |
Kontenut (%) | ≥97 |
Densità (20 ℃) g/ml | 1.055-1.061 |
Valur Aċidu(mgKOH/g) | 259-267 |
Ilma(H2O)% | ≤0.3 |
Sinonimi | Dibutyl hydrogen phosphate ; Di-n-butyl phosphate;
Dibutylphosphate; |
Dibutil fosfat (DBP) is an organic compound . It is a clear,
colorless liquid that is soluble in organic solvents like ethanol
and ether.
1. Solvent: Dibutyl phosphate is used as a solvent in different applications,
including extraction processes, industrial cleaning, and as a reaction
medium in various chemical reactions.
2. Plasticizer: Dibutyl phosphate acts as a plasticizer, which means it
is added to plastics and resins to improve their flexibility, durability,
and processing characteristics. It helps to enhance the flow and
workability of the materials during manufacturing processes.
3. Ritardant tal-Fjammi: Dibutyl phosphate is used as a flame retardant additive
in plastics, coatings, and textiles. It helps to reduce the flammability
and improve the fire resistance properties of these materials.
4. Extraction Agent: Dibutyl phosphate is used as an extraction agent in
various processes, such as the separation and purification of metals, particularly
uranium. It effectively extracts uranium from ores and solutions during
the uranium mining and nuclear fuel production industries.
Package: Once the DBP has been produced and refined, it is packaged into
suitable containers, such as Plastic Barrels or IBC drum.
Storage: If stored correctly and kept in the original sealed container, the product
has a shelf life of at least 24 xhur. Stainless steel and glass equipment
components as well as plastics such as polyethylene and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
have proven suitable. Materials suitable for sealing are polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
and graphite. Ordinary steel is unsuitable because it reacts with dibutyl phosphate,
resulting in the formation of hydrogen.
1. Spezzjoni deħlin: Il-materja prima ewlenija, huma spezzjonati għall-kontenut tagħhom, appearance and
other main properties.
2. Spezzjoni ta 'tmigħ: The principle of raw material feeding is first-in-first-out, and the appearance
of the main raw materials is randomly inspected according to whether there is a big change in the
storage conditions before feeding.
3. Teħid ta 'kampjuni tal-lott fil-proċess tal-produzzjoni: Matul il-proċess tal-produzzjoni, the main indexes of
each batch of products: il-kontenut u l-valur tal-aċidu se jiġu eżaminati tliet darbiet f'perjodi ta 'żmien differenti.
4. Spezzjoni tal-Ħażna: Kull lott (10 tunnellati) jiġi spezzjonat qabel il-ħażna.
5. Spezzjoni 'l barra: Skond il-kwantità mitluba mill-klijenti, the products will be
sampled and inspected.
6. Spezzjoni qabel il-ġarr: According to customer’s requirement, third party inspection can be
carried out on the products before shipment.
Apparenza fiżika: Spezzjoni viżwali
Analiżi tal-Purità: Kromatografija tal-gass (GC)
Valur Aċidu: Titrazzjoni potenzjometrika
Kontenut tal-Ilma: Analizzaturi tal-umdità
Indiċi refrattiv: Rifrattometru
Densità: Miter tad-densità
Il-kumpanija ssegwi l-kunċett ta ' “innovazzjoni kontinwa, l-insegwiment ta 'l-ewwel klassi”, u hija lesta li tipprovdi lill-klijenti domestiċi u barranin bi prodotti ta 'kwalità għolja u servizz sodisfaċenti.